Company information

Full company name: Maxim Azarov pr hosting eServer Kruševac

Short company name: Maxim Azarov pr eServer

Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra Ujedinitelja 2A, sprat 9, stan 40
37000, Kruševac, Serbia

Registration ID: 66483487
Tax ID: 112980450
Activity code: 63.11 (Data processing, hosting, etc.)

Current RSD account:
265-6520310001725-75 (Raiffeisen banka A.D.)

International payments account (USD, EUR, CNY):
IBAN: RS35265100000044651382
BIC/SWIFT code: RZBSRSBG (Raiffeisen banka A.D.)


- Click here to see the extract from the Serbian companies registry (APR)


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